Restraining Orders

Advice on Restraining Orders

Restraining Orders

Reliant Legal has extensive experience in handling Restraining and Misconduct Orders.

Restraining Orders – We understand that Restraining Orders can arise in different contexts, not limited to domestic violence situations, and require a unique set of skills to navigate through the system.

Whether you are facing abuse, threats of violence, or nuisance behaviour, our Perth team is here to discuss your options and help you make informed decisions about what to do next.

Restraining Orders

Reliant Legal has extensive experience in the delicate area of Restraining and Misconduct Orders, having represented both Applicants and Respondents in in various circumstances.

  • These matters can sometimes arise at the same time as family law matters and some criminal proceedings.
  • Restraining Orders are not criminal matters and therefore require a different set of skills to progress through the system.
  • It is important to note that Restraining Orders are not just for domestic violence situations. Whilst highly relevant in those circumstances, you can apply for a restraining order against another person in various circumstances.

Types of Restraining Orders

There are 2 types of restraining orders:

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