Family Law – Property Settlement

Family Law - Property Settlement

Family Law - Property Settlement

Resolve Property Matters with our experienced lawyers in Perth

Family Law – Property Settlement – At Reliant Legal in Perth, we understand the complexities and emotional challenges that arise in Family Law property settlement matters.

Whether it’s finding a fair settlement or assisting in dispute resolution outside of Court, we are committed to helping our clients achieve resolution and formalise agreements that are binding and advantageous.

Your First Consultation

We will confidently guide our clients through the Family Law process to provide clarity, knowledge and peace of mind about the process the client is about to embark upon.

We understand that the breakdown of a relationship can be daunting emotional, and sometimes financially complex, and we appreciate that our clients require practical guidance as to the best way to navigate through these issues.

We endeavour to ensure that after our first consultation, our clients have a clear understanding of the Family Law process and the steps ahead toward achieving resolution.

When two people separate, there will always be a need to split the assets of the relationship.

Fortunately, we know how to find a settlement that allows both parties to move forward and rebuild their lives, and we can assist with what is fair in the circumstances.

Even if you and your ex-spouse reach a mutually satisfactory settlement, it’s a wise idea to have it checked over by a lawyer before you apply for consent orders.

We can advise if you’re on the right track or if you’re selling yourself short.

Both parties must to reach an agreement outside of Court before filing an application for property orders.

Parties are required to undergo “pre-action procedures”, and we can assist in initiating the process.

What if a settlement can't be reached?

In rare cases, such as situations involving urgency, family violence, refusal to negotiate or fraud, the Court may accept that it is not possible or appropriate for the pre-action procedures to be carried out.

If no agreement can be reached, then an application for property orders must be put into the Family Court of Western Australia and must be made within 12 months of your divorce becoming final or two years from the date of separation if the parties were in a de facto relationship.

Reliant Legal does not only represent you in Court.

We are committed to assisting you in the process of dispute resolution outside of Court as well as the formalisation of agreements.

Settling out of Court saves you and your family considerable time, stress and money.

There are two ways that your agreement can be formalised:

The advantages of Consent Orders are:

Without Court approval:

Transfer duty is a State Government tax on property transfers payable by a person acquiring land and when orders are made by filing a consent order with the Family Court of Western Australia, the transfer duty is nominal.

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